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In the West of the16th-18th centuries, what were the reciprocal relationships between the religious behavior of a community recognized as significant, its mental tools, its conceptual grid, its scale of values, and its type of emotionality ? The aim is to attempt a global apprehension of religious experience, and to evaluatethe integration of the Christianity model of the time into the common sense in spaces and times referred to as " of Christianity ". The parameter we use is not so much medieval syncretism as the religion of the classical age, which was both unanimous and austere, and which, much more than that of the Middle Ages, sought to transform the prescribed into the lived experience of the masses, and the ideal of the few into the daily life of all. And if it's true that this model of Christianity lies at the heart of our current discourse on de-Christianization, then we must conclude that the great Christianization of Europe is a relatively recent phenomenon. For it was the two Reformations, Protestant and Catholic, that brought to the countryside, where the vast majority of the population lived, the type of religion and religious practice that we use as a reference for assessing the present situation.