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He analyzed the fundamental properties of measurement in quantum physics and its relationship to the concepts of complementarity, entanglement and decoherence. He then focused on the analysis ofQuantum Non-Demolition (QND) measurements. These project the measured system into one of the eigenstates of the measured observable and can be repeated a large number of times, giving the same result as long as the system is not perturbed. This property makes them potentially useful for ultra-sensitive detection of small perturbations. The history of QND measurements of light was reviewed, and recent cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments enabling the non-destructive detection of single photons were described. These experiments are performed on fields of a few photons trapped for a fraction of a second in a cavity with a very high quality factor. They provide a new way of " see " light, by tracking stochastic photon number trajectories in real time and recording the quantum jumps associated with the loss or creation of a single quantum. These QND measurements enable complete reconstruction of the quantum state of the field in the cavity, paving the way for detailed study of " Schrödinger cat " states, coherent superpositions of photonic states of different phase or amplitude.
