Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The fourth lesson described non-destructive photon counting (QND) experiments. They are based on the measurement oflight energy shifts induced on Rydberg atoms passing through the cavity one by one. These experiments, which require a cavity with a very high Q factor, are an ideal illustration of the principles of measurement in quantum physics. They enabled us to observe quantum jumps in light for the first time. The acquisition of partial QND information on photon numbers, combined with controlled field injection into the cavity, also enabledquantum feedback procedures to be implemented, stabilizing Fock states in the cavity at predetermined photon numbers. The QND light measurement experiments were cited in the Nobel Committee's presentation to justify the award of the prize. As they have been the subject of detailed lectures in recent years (see 2007-2008 and 2010-2011 yearbooks), they will only be briefly recalled here.

Non-destructive observation of light particles is not an easy process. The lesson reminded us that conventional photon detection by the photoelectric effect destroys light particles. To measure them "in vivo", we need to use non-resonant atoms and exploit the dispersive effect of light-induced displacements on the atoms. The experimental set-up, combining a high-quality cavity (photon lifetime of the order of a tenth of a second) with a jet of circular Rydberg atoms highly sensitive to microwaves, is ideal for this QND detection of a quantum field. The experiment uses the Ramsey interferometer described in Lesson 3. Atoms, prepared by a R₁ microwave pulse in a superposition of e and g states at the entrance to the photon-trapping cavity acquire a rotating electric dipole at the frequency of the atomic transition. As they pass through cavity C, these dipoles are shifted in phase by an angle proportional to the number of photons. This phase shift is measured by the interferometer supplemented by a second R₂ pulse applied to the atoms at the output of C before they are finally detected by ionization. The device can be seen as a photon trap combined with a Rydberg atom clock delayed (or advanced) by an amount proportional to the number of light quanta contained in the trap.