Jörg Stolz est professeur ordinaire de sociologie des religions à l’Université de Lausanne. Il s'intéresse à la théorie des jeux sociaux, à la théorie de la concurrence religieuse/séculière et aux méthodes mixtes. Ses thèmes sont la sécularisation, les groupes religieux locaux, les évangéliques et les représentations sociales du religieux. Jörg Stolz est l'ancien président de la Société internationale de sociologie des religions (SISR). Les résultats de ses recherches sont parus dans le European Sociological Review, le British Journal of Sociology, L'Année sociologique, ou le Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Berger, P. L., Davie, G., & Fokas, E. (2008). Religious America, Secular Europe. A Theme and Variations. Ashgate.
Bruce, S. (2002). God is Dead: Secularization in the West. Blackwell.
Casanova, J. (1994). Public Religions in the Modern World. The University of Chicago Press.
Davie, G. (2006). Is Europe an Exceptional Case? International Review of Mission, 95(578/579), 247-258.
Durkheim, E. (1985 (1912), 7e édition). Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse. Le système totémique en Australie. PUF.
Gauthier, F. (2020). (What is left of) secularization? Debate on Jörg Stolz’s article on Secularization theories in the 21st century: ideas, evidence, and problems. Social Compass, 67(2), 309-314.
Inglehart, R. F. (2021). Religion’s Sudden Decline. What’s Causing it, and What Comes Next? Oxford University Press.
Martin, D. (2002). Pentecostalism: The World Their Parish. Blackwell Publishers.
Molteni, F. (2021). A Need for Religion. Insecurity and Religiosity in the Contemporary World. Brill.
Müller, T. (2020). Secularization theory and its discontents: Recapturing decolonial and gendered narratives. Debate on Jörg Stolz’s article on Secularization theories in the 21st entury: ideas, evidence, and problems. Social Compass, 67(2), 315-322.
Norris, P., & Inglehart, R. (2012 (2004)). Sacred and Secular. Religion and Politics Worldwide. Second edition. Cambridge University Press.
Pew, R. C. (2015). The Future of World Religions. Population Growth Projections 2010-2050.
https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp- content/uploads/sites/11/2015/03/PF_15.04.02_ProjectionsFullReport.pdf
Pew, R. C. (2017). Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century. Nov. 8.
Portier, P., & Willaime, J.-P. (2021). La religion dans la France contemporaine. Armand Colin.
Roy, O. (2006). Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah. Columbia University Press.
Stolz, J. (2020). Secularization theories in the 21st century: Ideas, evidence, problems. Presidential address. Social Compass, 67(2), 282-308.
Stolz, J., Biolcati-Rinaldi, F., & Molteni, F. (2021). Is France exceptionally irreligious? A comparative test of the cohort replacement theory, L’Année sociologique (71), 337- 367.
Voas, D., & Chaves, M. (2016). Is the United States a Counterexample to the Secularization Thesis? American Journal of Sociology, 121(5), 1517-1556.
Weber, M. (1988 (1920). Zwischenbetrachtung: Theorie der Stufen und Richtungen religiöser Weltablehnung. In ders. (Ed.), Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie I (pp. 536-573). Mohr Siebeck.