Modératrice : Phượng Bùi Trân, professeur invité, Collège de France
Globalization and artistic advancement in Vietnam have increased the demand for theater innovation to reflect audience preferences and current international theater trends. Young women who have received training in theater and the arts abroad and who use contemporary theater models to reform the language of Vietnamese theater have made a significant contribution to the innovation of contemporary theater in Vietnam. This presentation shares four cutting-edge theater models in Vietnam that depend on the dedication of four groups of women:
- Post-dramatic/Experimental Theater: "The Run Project" under director Nguyen Bich Tra practices post-dramatic and experimental theater.
- Community Theater and Dialogue: Director Le An's "Saigon Theatreland" group discusses women's issues through theater.
- Improvisational theater: "Saigon Improv House" under director Van Tran brings theater to people to help them reach their full potential.
- Traditional Theater Reforms: Director Dao Le Na's "YUME Art Project" uses contemporary artistic language to make traditional theater accessible to young audiences while preserving it.
Đào Lê Na

Lê Na Đào, Ph.D in Literary Theory and Criticism. She is a senior lecturer in Faculty of Literature, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City. She was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in the US for the academic year 2021-2022. Her teaching activities are Creative writing, Introduction to film studies, Screenwriting, Enjoying and Creating Short Stories, and Introduction to Art Studies. Her research orientation: Film studies, Arts studies, Adaptation studies, and Vietnamese Culture. She has published many journal articles and books in Vietnam. She is also a novelist and scriptwriter and theatrical director.
Đào Lê Na est Maître de conférence à l’Université des Sciences sociales et humaines de HCMVille, invitée du programme Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Université Massachusetts Amherst 2021-2022. Metteur en scène, fondatrice des projets FY Film Festival, YUME Art.