Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
En libre accès, dans la limite des places disponibles

Modératrice : Thái Thị Ngọc Dư, Ex-Fondatrice et Doyenne de la Faculté d’Études sur les femmes de l’Université Ouverte de HCM Ville


In the summer of 2017, during a vacation with my children, I met a veteran by chance. I was stunned with what he told. The war has been long past, but the pains remain. From this veteran’s story and those of some others, I have decided to meet with many witnesses of the history, to write down their experiences into books by subject. In this presentation, I want to tell about my journey of these writings, the difficulties and advantages, as well as my wants.

Phan Thúy Hà

PHAN Thuy Ha

Phan Thúy Hà is born in 1979 in Huong Khe district, Ha Tinh Province. Graduated from the Literature Department, the University of Social and Human Sciences, in 2002. Editor at Women Publishing House from 2002-2012. Start book writing since 2017. Have 5 non-fiction books: Don’t tell my name; After the slope is home; I am the daughter of my father; Family; Their extracts.


Phan Thúy Hà

Écrivaine indépendante, autrice de 5 ouvrages sur les témoins des événements importants de l’histoire contemporaine vietnamienne