Thursday, September 10th
9h00- 9h15: Welcome address
9h15-12h45: Session 1 “Cavity QED” (Chair: F. Schmidt-Kaler)
9h15-10h00: C. Cohen-Tannoudji The dressed atom approach. From radio-frequency spectroscopy to cold atoms and cavity quantum electrodynamics.
10h00-10h45: D. Kleppner The Happy History of Cavity QED
11h15-12h00: J.M. Raimond Exploring the quantum with atoms and cavities
12h00-12h45: A. Wallraf Exploring the Interactions of Microwave Photons and Superconducting Qubits in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
14h30-18h00: Session 2 “Cavity QED and Cold Atoms” (Chair: M. Inguscio)
14h30-15h15: G. Rempe Cavity QED with trapped atoms and mobile photons
15h15-16h00: E. Hinds Cavity QED on a Chip
16h30-17h15: J. Reichel Miniaturizing optical cavity QED
17h15-18h00: D. Meschede Playing quantum marbles, or can we make two individual atoms interfere with each other?