Thomas Rubin

Thomas Rubin

Chercheur, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB) – CRCN INSERM


After studying Biology in France, I did my PhD in Genetics and Cellular Biology, characterizing the Roles of  PcG and trxG complexes in morphogenesis and programmed cell death in the team of Pr. Laurent Théodore, UVSQ (2003-2008).

Following my PhD, I moved to metabolism during two years, looking at the roles of fatty acids in Drosophila growth in the team of Jacques Montagne (CGM, Gif sur Yvette)(2008-2009)

I then jumped to cell cycle control, looking at the role of Cenp-meta in the spindle checkpoint in the team of Roger Karess (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris)(2009-2010)

Since 2011, I joined the laboratory of JR. HUYNH where I obtained an INSERM permanent position. Every day I explore Meiotic chromosome pairing in D.melanogaster, and shortly in the Medaka fish!