Les numéros de pages font référence aux diapositives utilisées pour le cours.
p. 4-13 et p. 22
EASLEY D. et KLEINBERG J., "Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World", Sections 13.1, 13.2.
p. 7-13
BUSH Vanessa, "As We May Think", juillet 1945.
p. 15-20
EASLEY D. et KLEINBERG J., "Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World", Section 18.7.
p. 23-29
KANADE Varun, LEVI Reut, LOTKER Zvi, MALLMANN-TRENN Frederik, MATHIEU Claire. "Distance in the Forest Fire Model How far are you from Eve?", ACM-SIAM SODA (Symposium on Discrete Algorithms), 2016.
p. 30-39
AVIN Chen, KELLER Barbara, LOTKER Zvi, MATHIEU Claire, PELEG David, PIGNOLET Yvonne Anne. "Homophily and the Glass Ceiling Effect in Social Networks", ITCS (Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science), 2015.
p. 41
EASLEY D. et KLEINBERG J., "Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World", Section 16.2.