23 mai 2011 17:00 à 17:30 Colloque Influence of the Microbiota on Host Immune System Dennis Kasper The Commensal Microbiota: From Homeostasis to Disease 23 mai 2011 17:00 à 17:30 Partager Facebook LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Copier le lien Flux RSS Audiovisuel
Lundi 23 mai 2011 Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot En libre accès, dans la limite des places disponibles 17:00 - 17:30 Sauter le player vidéo Youtube Intervenant(s) Dennis Kasper Harvard Medical school, Boston, USA Événements Précédent Colloque 23 mai 2011 08:45 à 09:00 Dianna Newell, Brett Finlay et Philippe Sansonetti Introduction of the symposium Colloque 23 mai 2011 09:30 à 10:00 W. Allan Walker Initial Bacterial Colonization in the Development of Mucosal Host Defense Colloque 23 mai 2011 10:00 à 10:30 Andy T. Gewirtz TLR5, Chronic Inflammation, and Matabolic Syndrome Colloque 23 mai 2011 11:00 à 11:30 Bill Mohn A Hard Look at How We Look at Microbiota Colloque 23 mai 2011 12:00 à 12:30 Brett Finlay The Role of the Microbiota in Enteric Infectious Diseases Colloque 23 mai 2011 14:00 à 14:30 Bruno Lemaître The Drosophila Intestinal Epithelium: An Interactive Barrier.… Colloque 23 mai 2011 14:30 à 15:00 Malin Johansson Mucus—the Host-Microbial Interface Colloque 23 mai 2011 15:00 à 15:30 Nita H. Salzman Antimicrobial Peptides and the Regulation of the Intestinal Microbiome: Implications for Intesti… Colloque 23 mai 2011 15:30 à 16:00 Andrew Mc Pherson Uncoupling Immune Responses Against Commensal Bacteria from Intestinal Colonisation Colloque 23 mai 2011 16:30 à 17:00 Nadine Cerf-Bensussan Microbiota and Maturation of Gut Adaptive Immune Responses Colloque 23 mai 2011 17:00 à 17:30 Dennis Kasper Influence of the Microbiota on Host Immune System Colloque 23 mai 2011 17:30 à 18:00 Tobi Kollmann Host-Environment Interactions in the Ontogeny of the Immune System Colloque 24 mai 2011 08:45 à 09:00 Sven Pettersson Presentation Tornado EU Network Colloque 24 mai 2011 09:00 à 09:30 Gérard Eberl Symbiotic Microbiota and the Development of Innate Lymphoid Cells Colloque 24 mai 2011 09:30 à 10:00 Kelly Mc Nagny Immune Response Genes Versus Microbiota in Inflammatory Disease: The Chicken or the Egg? Colloque 24 mai 2011 10:00 à 10:30 Mathias Hornef Epithelial Innate Immune Tolerance in the Neonate Intestine Colloque 24 mai 2011 11:00 à 11:30 Fiona Powrie Immune System Bacterial Interactions in the Intestine in Health and Disease Colloque 24 mai 2011 11:30 à 12:00 James Di Santo Innate Lymphoid Cells: An Emerging Family of Immune Regulators and Effectors Colloque 24 mai 2011 12:00 à 12:30 Tom Mc Donald Strategies to Dampen Gut Inflammation Colloque 24 mai 2011 14:00 à 14:30 Sven Pettersson The Gut Microbiota and Its Role in Regulation of Developmental Programming of the Brain Colloque 24 mai 2011 14:30 à 15:00 Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich The MetaHIT (Metagenomics of Human Intestinal Tract) Consortium Colloque 24 mai 2011 15:00 à 15:30 Fredrick Bäckhed Microbial Regulation of Host Physiology and Metabolism—a Role for the Gut Microbiota in Met… Colloque 24 mai 2011 15:30 à 16:00 Rémy Burcelin Bacterial Translocation and Metabolic Disease Colloque 24 mai 2011 16:30 à 17:00 Walter Wahli Nuclear Receptors and Energy Homeostasis Colloque 24 mai 2011 17:00 à 17:30 Philippe Sansonetti Pathogens and Commensals at Mucosal Surfaces. The Yin and the Yang of Innate Immunity Suivant Voir aussi Philippe Sansonetti, chaire Microbiologie et maladies infectieuses The Commensal Microbiota: From Homeostasis to Disease
Colloque 23 mai 2011 08:45 à 09:00 Dianna Newell, Brett Finlay et Philippe Sansonetti Introduction of the symposium
Colloque 23 mai 2011 09:30 à 10:00 W. Allan Walker Initial Bacterial Colonization in the Development of Mucosal Host Defense
Colloque 23 mai 2011 10:00 à 10:30 Andy T. Gewirtz TLR5, Chronic Inflammation, and Matabolic Syndrome
Colloque 23 mai 2011 12:00 à 12:30 Brett Finlay The Role of the Microbiota in Enteric Infectious Diseases
Colloque 23 mai 2011 14:00 à 14:30 Bruno Lemaître The Drosophila Intestinal Epithelium: An Interactive Barrier.…
Colloque 23 mai 2011 15:00 à 15:30 Nita H. Salzman Antimicrobial Peptides and the Regulation of the Intestinal Microbiome: Implications for Intesti…
Colloque 23 mai 2011 15:30 à 16:00 Andrew Mc Pherson Uncoupling Immune Responses Against Commensal Bacteria from Intestinal Colonisation
Colloque 23 mai 2011 16:30 à 17:00 Nadine Cerf-Bensussan Microbiota and Maturation of Gut Adaptive Immune Responses
Colloque 23 mai 2011 17:30 à 18:00 Tobi Kollmann Host-Environment Interactions in the Ontogeny of the Immune System
Colloque 24 mai 2011 09:00 à 09:30 Gérard Eberl Symbiotic Microbiota and the Development of Innate Lymphoid Cells
Colloque 24 mai 2011 09:30 à 10:00 Kelly Mc Nagny Immune Response Genes Versus Microbiota in Inflammatory Disease: The Chicken or the Egg?
Colloque 24 mai 2011 10:00 à 10:30 Mathias Hornef Epithelial Innate Immune Tolerance in the Neonate Intestine
Colloque 24 mai 2011 11:00 à 11:30 Fiona Powrie Immune System Bacterial Interactions in the Intestine in Health and Disease
Colloque 24 mai 2011 11:30 à 12:00 James Di Santo Innate Lymphoid Cells: An Emerging Family of Immune Regulators and Effectors
Colloque 24 mai 2011 14:00 à 14:30 Sven Pettersson The Gut Microbiota and Its Role in Regulation of Developmental Programming of the Brain
Colloque 24 mai 2011 14:30 à 15:00 Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich The MetaHIT (Metagenomics of Human Intestinal Tract) Consortium
Colloque 24 mai 2011 15:00 à 15:30 Fredrick Bäckhed Microbial Regulation of Host Physiology and Metabolism—a Role for the Gut Microbiota in Met…
Colloque 24 mai 2011 17:00 à 17:30 Philippe Sansonetti Pathogens and Commensals at Mucosal Surfaces. The Yin and the Yang of Innate Immunity