Conférences de l'Institut de chimie du Collège de France.

The "Organic Chemistry in Paris" symposium is organized during the visit of Professor Eusebio Juaristi (Colégio Nacional de Mexico) at Collège de France.

Organic chemistry is certainly increasingly manifested in its ability to interact with many disciplines such as health sciences, biology and materials sciences to name a few. But its positioning in the service of transversality sometimes leads to no longer defining it as a scientific discipline in itself. This sense of science is, however, unfounded when one considers the considerable advances over the last decade of certain organic themes and the emergence of others.

The "Organic Chemistry in Paris" symposium will be an opportunity to take a look at the French level of organic chemistry dynamics. Contributions in the fields of methodological development and their applications, catalysis, small molecule activation, supramolecular chemistry and "chemical biology" will be given by a dozen french actors recognized and able to embody their field of investigation. 

Modérateurs : Pr Clément Sanchez, Pr Louis Fensterbank, Pr Ludovic Jullien (Collège de France, SU, PSL, CNRS)
