Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Benjamin Steventon

Benjamin Steventon
Steventon trained in the labs of Roberto Mayor (as PhD 2004-2008, UCL, UK), Andrea Streit (as Postdoc 2008-2012, KCL, UK), Jean-Francois Nicolas and Estelle Hirsinger (as Postdoc 2011-2013, Institute Pasteur, France), Scott Fraser (as Marie-Curie Outgoing Fellow 2013-2014, USC, USA) and Alfonso Martinez Arias (as Marie-Curie Incoming Fellow 2014-2015, Cambridge). He started his research group in 2016 within the Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge. The central aim of his research is to uncover the mechanisms that confer information across biological scales.


Benjamin Steventon

Dep of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK