19 nov 2018 09:00 à 09:05 Colloque Introduction Barbara Romanowicz Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes: Observations and Modeling 19 nov 2018 09:00 à 09:05 Partager Facebook LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Copier le lien Flux RSS Audiovisuel
Lundi 19 novembre 2018 Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot En libre accès, dans la limite des places disponibles 09:00 - 09:05 Sauter le player vidéo Youtube Écouter l'audio Intervenant(s) Barbara Romanowicz Professeur du Collège de France Événements Précédent Colloque 19 nov 2018 09:00 à 09:05 Barbara Romanowicz Introduction Colloque 19 nov 2018 09:05 à 09:40 Keiko Kuge Deep Earthquakes and Their Surrounding Structure as Inferred from Regi… Colloque 19 nov 2018 09:40 à 10:15 Zhongwen Zhan Interferometric Imaging of the Metastable Olivine Wedge and a Dual-Mec… Colloque 19 nov 2018 10:15 à 10:50 Blandine Gardonio Details of the Pre-Seismic and Post-Seismic Phases of the 2015 Ogasawa… Colloque 19 nov 2018 11:20 à 11:55 German Prieto Seismological Constraints on the Mechanism(s) Responsible for Intermed… Colloque 19 nov 2018 11:55 à 12:30 Cliff Frohlich Deep Moonquakes, Isolated Deep Earthquakes, and Deep Earthquakes NOT i… Colloque 19 nov 2018 14:00 à 14:35 Bruno Reynard Fluids and Earthquakes in the Forearc Region of Subduction Zones… Colloque 19 nov 2018 14:35 à 15:10 Nicolas Brantut Dehydration Embrittlement at High Pressure Colloque 19 nov 2018 15:40 à 16:15 Keishi Okazaki Experimental Investigation of Dehydration Weakening and Embrittlement … Colloque 19 nov 2018 16:15 à 16:50 Nadège Hilairet Intermediate Depth Earthquakes in Subduction Zones: Insights from High… Colloque 20 nov 2018 09:00 à 09:35 Wim Spakman Slab Dragging, Subduction Evolution, and Slab Deformation Colloque 20 nov 2018 09:35 à 10:10 Andrew Nowacki Seismic Anisotropy in the Vicinity of Slabs in the Transition Zone… Colloque 20 nov 2018 10:10 à 10:45 Yingcai Zheng Deep Earthquakes in Subducting Slabs Hosted in Highly Anisotropic Rock… Colloque 20 nov 2018 11:15 à 11:50 Andreas Rietbrock How Wet Are Slabs: Studying the Link between Slab Low Velocity Structu… Colloque 20 nov 2018 11:50 à 12:25 Maria Sachpazi Hellenic Slab Faults Imaging down to 90 Km and Associated Localization… Colloque 20 nov 2018 14:00 à 14:35 Kristina G. Dunkel Microstructural Records of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes Colloque 20 nov 2018 14:35 à 15:10 Lucie Tajcmanova Mechanically-Controlled Rock-Microstructures: Witnesses of the Long-Te… Colloque 20 nov 2018 15:10 à 15:45 Marco Scambelluri Fossil Intermediate Depth (Eclogite-Facies) Earthquake in the Alpine O… Colloque 20 nov 2018 16:15 à 16:50 Carmen Sanchez-Valle Seismic Signature of Volatiles in Subduction Zones Colloque 20 nov 2018 16:50 à 17:25 Eiji Ohtani Hydrated Phases in Tz and Top of Lower Mantle Suivant Voir aussi Barbara Romanowicz, chaire Physique de l'intérieur de la Terre Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes: Observations and Modeling
Colloque 19 nov 2018 09:05 à 09:40 Keiko Kuge Deep Earthquakes and Their Surrounding Structure as Inferred from Regi…
Colloque 19 nov 2018 09:40 à 10:15 Zhongwen Zhan Interferometric Imaging of the Metastable Olivine Wedge and a Dual-Mec…
Colloque 19 nov 2018 10:15 à 10:50 Blandine Gardonio Details of the Pre-Seismic and Post-Seismic Phases of the 2015 Ogasawa…
Colloque 19 nov 2018 11:20 à 11:55 German Prieto Seismological Constraints on the Mechanism(s) Responsible for Intermed…
Colloque 19 nov 2018 11:55 à 12:30 Cliff Frohlich Deep Moonquakes, Isolated Deep Earthquakes, and Deep Earthquakes NOT i…
Colloque 19 nov 2018 14:00 à 14:35 Bruno Reynard Fluids and Earthquakes in the Forearc Region of Subduction Zones…
Colloque 19 nov 2018 15:40 à 16:15 Keishi Okazaki Experimental Investigation of Dehydration Weakening and Embrittlement …
Colloque 19 nov 2018 16:15 à 16:50 Nadège Hilairet Intermediate Depth Earthquakes in Subduction Zones: Insights from High…
Colloque 20 nov 2018 09:00 à 09:35 Wim Spakman Slab Dragging, Subduction Evolution, and Slab Deformation
Colloque 20 nov 2018 09:35 à 10:10 Andrew Nowacki Seismic Anisotropy in the Vicinity of Slabs in the Transition Zone…
Colloque 20 nov 2018 10:10 à 10:45 Yingcai Zheng Deep Earthquakes in Subducting Slabs Hosted in Highly Anisotropic Rock…
Colloque 20 nov 2018 11:15 à 11:50 Andreas Rietbrock How Wet Are Slabs: Studying the Link between Slab Low Velocity Structu…
Colloque 20 nov 2018 11:50 à 12:25 Maria Sachpazi Hellenic Slab Faults Imaging down to 90 Km and Associated Localization…
Colloque 20 nov 2018 14:00 à 14:35 Kristina G. Dunkel Microstructural Records of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
Colloque 20 nov 2018 14:35 à 15:10 Lucie Tajcmanova Mechanically-Controlled Rock-Microstructures: Witnesses of the Long-Te…
Colloque 20 nov 2018 15:10 à 15:45 Marco Scambelluri Fossil Intermediate Depth (Eclogite-Facies) Earthquake in the Alpine O…
Colloque 20 nov 2018 16:15 à 16:50 Carmen Sanchez-Valle Seismic Signature of Volatiles in Subduction Zones