22 mai 2019 09:00 à 09:10 Colloque Ouverture Molly Przeworski From Germline Mutation to Speciation 22 mai 2019 09:00 à 09:10 Partager Facebook LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Copier le lien Flux RSS Audiovisuel
Mercredi 22 mai 2019 Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot En libre accès, dans la limite des places disponibles 09:00 - 09:10 Sauter le player vidéo Youtube Écouter l'audio Intervenant(s) Molly Przeworski Professor of Biological Sciences and of Systems Biology, Columbia University, USA/Paris, Professeur invité, Collège de France Événements Précédent Colloque 22 mai 2019 09:00 à 09:10 Molly Przeworski Ouverture Colloque 22 mai 2019 09:10 à 09:30 Michel Georges Germline Mutation Processes Revisited in Cattle Colloque 22 mai 2019 09:30 à 10:00 Kelley Harris Evolution of the Mutation Rate and Spectrum across the Primate Functional Genomic Landscape Colloque 22 mai 2019 10:00 à 10:30 Molly Przeworski What Drives the Dependence of Human Germline Mutation Rates on Sex, Age, and Time? Colloque 22 mai 2019 11:00 à 11:30 Shamil Sunyaev From Statistical Models to Biological Mechanisms of Human Mutation Colloque 22 mai 2019 11:30 à 12:00 Andy Clark The Mutation Process of Satellite Repeats Colloque 22 mai 2019 14:00 à 14:30 Michael Nachman The Genomic Basis of Environmental Adaptation in House Mice Colloque 22 mai 2019 14:30 à 15:00 Nicolas Galtier Quantifying Molecular Adaptation in Animals: Improved Methods and the Ne Effect Colloque 22 mai 2019 15:00 à 15:30 Peter Andolfatto Constraints on Adaptation Revealed by the Convergent Evolution of Toxin Insensitivity Colloque 22 mai 2019 16:00 à 16:30 Thomas Lenormand The Evolution of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes Colloque 22 mai 2019 16:30 à 17:00 Peter Ralph Genomic Landscapes and Fitness Ridges across the Speciation Continuum Colloque 22 mai 2019 17:00 à 17:30 Claudia Bank Epistasis and Fitness Landscapes Colloque 23 mai 2019 09:00 à 09:30 Jonathan Pritchard The Omnigenic Architecture of Human Complex Traits Colloque 23 mai 2019 09:30 à 10:00 Guy Sella Polygenic Adaptation after a Sudden Change in the Environment Colloque 23 mai 2019 10:00 à 10:30 Nick Barton Adaptation in an Infinitesimal World Colloque 23 mai 2019 11:00 à 11:30 Amaury Lambert Evolutionary Spikes: Fast Molecular Divergence at Speciation Non enregistré Colloque 23 mai 2019 11:30 à 12:00 Richard Durbin Insights into the Evolutionary Radiation of Lake Malawi Cichlid Fishes from Whole Genome Sequencing Colloque 23 mai 2019 14:00 à 14:30 Jenny Tung Admixture End Evolution in Wild Baboon Colloque 23 mai 2019 14:30 à 15:00 Nicolas Bierne Coadapted Genomes and the Genetic Architecture of Species Barriers Colloque 23 mai 2019 15:00 à 15:30 Molly Schumer The Genetic Basis of a Naturally Occurring Melanoma Incompatibility Colloque 23 mai 2019 16:00 à 16:30 Colin Meiklejohn Rapid Evolution of X-Linked Hybrid Male Sterility in Drosophila Colloque 23 mai 2019 16:30 à 17:00 Robin Hopkins The Evolution of Mate Choice in Plants Suivant Voir aussi Molly Przeworski, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt From Germline Mutation to Speciation
Molly Przeworski Professor of Biological Sciences and of Systems Biology, Columbia University, USA/Paris, Professeur invité, Collège de France
Colloque 22 mai 2019 09:30 à 10:00 Kelley Harris Evolution of the Mutation Rate and Spectrum across the Primate Functional Genomic Landscape
Colloque 22 mai 2019 10:00 à 10:30 Molly Przeworski What Drives the Dependence of Human Germline Mutation Rates on Sex, Age, and Time?
Colloque 22 mai 2019 11:00 à 11:30 Shamil Sunyaev From Statistical Models to Biological Mechanisms of Human Mutation
Colloque 22 mai 2019 14:00 à 14:30 Michael Nachman The Genomic Basis of Environmental Adaptation in House Mice
Colloque 22 mai 2019 14:30 à 15:00 Nicolas Galtier Quantifying Molecular Adaptation in Animals: Improved Methods and the Ne Effect
Colloque 22 mai 2019 15:00 à 15:30 Peter Andolfatto Constraints on Adaptation Revealed by the Convergent Evolution of Toxin Insensitivity
Colloque 22 mai 2019 16:30 à 17:00 Peter Ralph Genomic Landscapes and Fitness Ridges across the Speciation Continuum
Colloque 23 mai 2019 09:00 à 09:30 Jonathan Pritchard The Omnigenic Architecture of Human Complex Traits
Colloque 23 mai 2019 09:30 à 10:00 Guy Sella Polygenic Adaptation after a Sudden Change in the Environment
Colloque 23 mai 2019 11:00 à 11:30 Amaury Lambert Evolutionary Spikes: Fast Molecular Divergence at Speciation Non enregistré
Colloque 23 mai 2019 11:30 à 12:00 Richard Durbin Insights into the Evolutionary Radiation of Lake Malawi Cichlid Fishes from Whole Genome Sequencing
Colloque 23 mai 2019 14:30 à 15:00 Nicolas Bierne Coadapted Genomes and the Genetic Architecture of Species Barriers
Colloque 23 mai 2019 15:00 à 15:30 Molly Schumer The Genetic Basis of a Naturally Occurring Melanoma Incompatibility
Colloque 23 mai 2019 16:00 à 16:30 Colin Meiklejohn Rapid Evolution of X-Linked Hybrid Male Sterility in Drosophila