Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
En libre accès, dans la limite des places disponibles

Personalized computer models of the human anatomy and physiology have the potential to improve the patient’s risk stratification, outcome prediction, and therapy selection, guidance and follow-up. This lecture will present advances in personalized cardiac models that capture the patient's heart anatomy, dynamics, hemodynamics, electrophysiology, and electromechanics. The focus is on structural heart disease and heart failure. We detail various strategies for model fitting from patient's data and the associated statistics. We highlight example applications that make today a difference in hospitals and extrapolate on the potential of imaging technology, expectations for the future, and the increased demand for multidisciplinary projects.


Dorin Comaniciu

Ph.D. - Siemens Corporate Technology, Princeton NJ, USA