Amphithéâtre Mireille Delmas-Marty (salle 5), Site Marcelin Berthelot
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We have discovered a process, Silica Cell Replication, wherein mammalian cells direct their exact replication in silica. The silica cell replicas preserve nm-to macro-scale cellular features and dimensions on both the cell surface and interior after drying at room temperature-and largely after calcination to 600 ̊ C. The process appears to be self-limiting and self-healing, and remarkably generalizable to any cells of interest—from red blood cells to neurons. Re-exposure of the SCRs to water provides access to intracellular components, where preliminary experiments show partial retention of enzymatic activity. We envision SCRs as simple, rugged and inexpensive constructs that could be stored dry and then re-activated to enable molecular recognition and selective enzymatic activity. More importantly we propose that SCR could in some cases serve as an alternative room temperature approach to expensive and often impractical cryo-preservation of cellular function.


Natural bioinorganic composites as found in bone, shell, and diatoms have long been heralded as model functional materials that evolved over billions of years to optimize properties and property combinations. Often functionality derives from hierarchical architectures composed of hard and soft components organized according to multiple prioritized length scales. To date it has been difficult to mimic these multiscale designs in synthetic manmade materials. During the past six years we have explored a novel cell directed assembly process wherein living cells direct their integration into 3D solid-state nanostructures. Upon evaporation, acidified suspensions of yeast, bacterial, or mammalian cells plus silicic acid (Si(OH)4) and amphiphilic short chain phospholipids dry to form a conformal, fully 3D bio/nano interface surrounding individual cells. This interface composed of localized lipid bilayers enveloped by a lipid/silica mesophase survives drying and evacuation without shrinkage and preserves aspects of cellular functionality. During the past year we demonstrated that this ‘silicification’ results in part via a self-catalyzed silica condensation process resulting from an osmotic stress response of the cell that causes a localized pH gradient, along with cell surface protein-directed silica deposition. The role of proteins in silica deposition has been studied extensively in the context of biomineralization of diatoms, single celled organisms that are known to construct exquisite and elaborate silica composite exoskeletons. Although there has been significant progress towards an understanding of the molecular components involved in biogenic silica formation, the whole picture remains vague, as evidenced by a current inability to reproduce diatom-like silica features in vitro using synthetic or native silica-associated biomolecules.